Spring Has Sprung at The Sevenoaks Florist!
Although it is still rather cold and dreary outside, as from 9 January The Sevenoaks Florist will have its Spring products available. These will brighten the gloomiest of days and convince you that brighter times are ahead!
The spring flowers that we use, depending on availability, normally include ranunculus, hyacinth, tulips, genista, anemones. I thought you might like some more information on them, so here we go!
1. Spring Flowers
a. Ranunculu
My favourite Spring flower is ranunculus. It has many layers of thin petals, which as the ball-shaped bud opens, look absolutely spectacular. They come in a variety of colours from pale pinks to vibrant cerise and orange. They last well in vases and are an absolute joy!
b. Anemone
Anemones are poppy-like flowers that tend to come in bright colours – purple/blue, cerise, red and white. Their meaning is anticipation as they close their heads at night and open in the morning, eager for the beginning of a new day
c. Tulips
We generally use single tulips, but there are two other major types available. These are the double tulips, with double the petals than expected, which gives them the appearance of peonies. There are also parrot tulips, which have ruffled edges to the petals, similar to parrot feathers.
The meaning of tulips is deep and unconditional love.
Hyacinths come in colours ranging from deep purple, through lilac, pale pink, cerise, cream plus white. Their scent is sweet and strong.
e. Genista
Genista, or broom, isn’t a particularly interesting garden plant until it bursts into flower. The flowers come in a variety of colours and have a gorgeous, sweet scent.
2. Our Spring Bouquets
We have some beautiful options available if you would like to order spring flowers. We have a spring hand-tied bouquet called Abella and a vase called Hattie (after our son’s girlfriend, Harriet). We also have a smaller vase in the Tallulah range, called Tallulah Springtime.
a. Abella
b. Hattie
c. Tallulah Springtime
…And Finally, What to Remember About Spring Flowers.
Firstly, Spring flowers invariably have a shorter stem length than a lot of the flowers that we generally use, meaning, obviously, that as hand-tied bouquets, they are quite short and squat. In addition, sadly these beauties are not terribly robust, so do not provide the longest display. Given that, they are so joyful, I think we can forgive them, especially with such dreary weather at the moment!
Hopefully, Spring will be showings its signs in the weather soon.